Friday, October 9, 2009

From Butterflies to Disappointment

The wait continues and, in fact, looms larger. Our conference call today was hopeful from the standpoint that there is lots of advocating for the children happening at very high levels. BUT - well from the title you knew there had to be a but - once again there is absolutely no sense that anything will happen anytime soon. In fact, it's pretty clear that the wait is really nowhere close to over! ARGHHHHH!!!

I still feel very hopeful that this will eventually work out - and the officials on the call seemed to communicate that as well.

Even though I was trying to manage my expectations, I think I let myself hope that we might have some indication of a time frame.

Living with uncertainty is exhausting. I'm just ready to bring Moonbeam home. She needs to be with her family.


Chrissi said...

I've just scrolled through your many, many entries and am heartbroken for the uncertainty, the highs & lows of what you have been going through. I didn't realize how difficult adopting was & thought you had brought home precious Hannah months ago! I wish you all the best & know that any child who ends up with you as a mother will be very, very lucky. I will be following your blog regularly and hope for wonderful news very, very, very soon! Hope you had a great birthday this week.

Laura and Tom said...

Uggg. I'm so disappointed and frustrated for all of you. I too was hopful that there would be more news of a resolution. Thinking about you and, as always, if there is anythting I can do please let me know!

Jackie said...

I am so crushed with the latest news. I have no words except to say stay strong and keep that image of you fetching moonbeam alive.

Hugs from Jackie & Nola