Saturday, May 2, 2009

He Knows My Tangled Ways

My dear friend and fellow Adoptive Mom, Loretta, recently gave me a devotional book - Streams in the Desert by L.B. Cowman - find it here. I have really been enjoying the entries. I discovered this poem and it brings me great comfort to know that He knows my tangled ways! What a tangled mess they are lately!

Be quiet! Why this anxious heed
About your tangled ways?
God knows them all.
He gives you speed
And He allows delays.
It's good for you to walk by faith
And not by sight.
Take it on trust a little while.
Soon will you read the mystery aright
In the full sunshine of His smile.

(L.B. Cowman. Streams in the Desert. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House. 1997. p. 162.)

What a good reminder of His sovereignty! And while I have no idea why He would allow these delays, there is comfort in knowing He is still in control!

1 comment:

Mary from TN said...

This is one of my favorite devotional books! It has helped me get through the time of waiting to bring our little man home from Kyrgyzstan.

Mary from TN